Monday, 8 December 2008

official message in conjunction with the International Anti Corruption Day 9 December 2008


We are grateful to Allah SWT the Almighty for granting us this opportunity to celebrate this auspicious event, the International Day Against Corruption in Brunei Darussalam together with other communities all over the world. 

On this special occasion, I wish to recall the Titah of our beloved ruler, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, given in conjunction with the commencement of the New Year 2008. Amongst others, His Majesty stressed that every member of the society in Brunei Darussalam must be united in their effort to combat the scourge of corruption. Corruption according to His Majesty is like a disease, it will eventually erode and damage our national and social progress if we fail to close all the doors that will provide the opportunity for it to flourish. Furthermore, His Majesty also reiterated that any act of corruption or bribery should not be taken lightly even though the amount involved may seem to be small and insignificant. His Majesty added that, it is the duty and responsibility of every member of the Public Service to ensure that the administration and management of the Public Body is really clean from any form of corruption. 

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), Brunei Darussalam which was founded in 1982 is now 26 years old. Ever since its establishment, ACB has faced diverse challenges while at the same time we have also achieved some commendable progress with regard to our duties and undertakings as one of the many entrusted law enforcement agencies in Brunei Darussalam. 

In 2008 ACB to date has received 189 information and complaints from members of the public out of which 64 Investigation Papers were opened. Meanwhile, 14 completed Investigation Papers were forwarded to the office of the Attorney General and 4 cases investigated by ACB were referred to various Ministries and Departments for their appropriate action. This year ACB has also succeeded in having several cases dealt with by the judiciary. A total of 15 cases are now being heard or ‘on trial’ out of which 4 cases are those completed and forwarded this year. 

At this juncture, I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere and utmost appreciation to all the members of the Civil Service as well as members of the public and individuals, who have relentlessly extended their support and trust upon the Anti-Corruption Bureau in our duty to detect and eradicate corrupt practices in Brunei Darussalam. It is hoped that such assistance and strong support can be further enhanced for the purpose of improving the image, integrity and credibility of Brunei Darussalam which we all love dearly. I also wish to reiterate our commitment to investigate into any cases of corruption in a just and fair manner without fear or favour. Members of the public can also be rest assured that ACB will deal with their information and complaint with utmost confidentiality and impartiality. 

As a result of the rapid progress in the globalisation of trade and services, ACB has therefore faced several new challenges, especially in ensuring that the much cherished peace, progress and prosperity of our nation are not threatened and compromised by any elements that would take advantage to enrich and profit themselves by criminal means, especially through bribery and corruption. Meanwhile, in the midst of rapidly expanding use of ICT as well as the reasonably easy and cheaper means of travelling abroad, the margin of success for an enforcement agency such as the ACB will be much curtailed and its effort become less effective in dealing with cases which involve the use of sophisticated electronic and communication devices and at the same time where the perpetrators are no longer constrained within a single geopolitical boundary. Therefore, future successes will also depend on the ACB being able to acquire mutual support and partnerships with other regional and international like minded agencies. The exchange of knowledge, expertise and best practices with such foreign partners go a long way in enhancing our overall effectiveness, success and credibility. Touching on this issue, we are grateful that the ACB has been successful in establishing close relationship and cooperation with both regional and international partners and organisations. For instance, through our Bilateral Cooperation with the Anti-Corruption Agency, Malaysia as well as the Multilateral Cooperation with anti-corruption agencies from seven countries within ASEAN namely, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Republic of Indonesia which are presently grouped under the name of South East Asia Parties Against Corruption or SEA-PAC. It is hoped that one day all the relevant anti-corruption agencies from all members of ASEAN will be partners in this worthy cause. 

Meanwhile, in the international perspective, we are very grateful that by the consent of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, last year ACB was admitted as a member of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (IAACA) which comprises 137 anti-corruption agencies from all over the world. 

In addition, Brunei Darussalam signed the United Nations Convention (UNCAC) against Corruption on 11 December 2003 during the High Level Political Meeting for the Signing of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in Merida, Mexico. In December 2005, UNCAC became the first legally binding, global anti-corruption agreement. His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam in October this year has graciously consented for Brunei Darussalam to ratify the United Nations Convention Against Corruption. Therefore with such participations and partnership established both regionally and internationally, ACB will be able to become a more dynamic, effective and credible agency in its endeavour to fight against the scourge of corruption either within or outside Brunei Darussalam. 

Finally, let us be united and continue to work together and improve our effort towards ensuring that our beloved country Brunei Darussalam will continue to enjoy lasting peace, harmony and prosperity which are free from the threat that comes from bribery and corruption. This is also in keeping with our national pillar of Melayu Islam Beraja, whereby in Islam, it is clearly stated that Allah SWT the Almighty, condemns and abhors any form of bribery and corruption. 

Thank you and say ‘NO’ to Corruption. 

‘Together In Building the Nation by Avoiding Corrupt Practices’

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